Being sick is always a good occasion for watching classic movies everybody has already seen apart from you. So good old "Lost in Translation" seemed like a good choice. Can't decide if it's good or bad. I absolutely adore Scarlett Johansson so an hour and a half was never enough. Oh, and you don't need my opinion on this one because: A. You already have one, since you have seen it and B. If I were not to like it I would be thrown tomatoes at so... let's not even go there.
I had to recover from the previous most useless hour and a half wasted on a movie. Oh no, wait. "Away we go" a few weeks ago was probably the most useless. Anywho, Bridget saved me once again! Daniel Clever maybe more than Bridget actually. But never mind. My point is: nothing beats a good old "Bridget Jones' Diary".
Rom com was the spirit so I went looking for the ones that scored the best in the box office lately. "The ugly truth" was in it. Nice movie people!
I was still nostalgic of Bridget so Renée saved me. AGAIN! "New in town" was funny and entertaining. Nice movie (again I wouldn't say good).
I think I've had enough movies for two days. So today I'll try show my Raccoony nose to the outside world.

Haha, I have a similar blog post to this one about all the movies and books I read when I got the flu. Not fun! Hope you're feeling better!