
Fuis moi, je te suis. Suis moi, je te fuis... A non, c'est seulement moi qui suis l'autre...

This is not all so sweet. When you want to get over something that is over but you just can't, it takes a while to figure things out. It shouldn't be that fucking hard.
Keep being nice to the persons I should go away from. Smile, laugh, and be nice when I don't even have to and I shouldn't, really. It's not even that I'm trying, I just can't help it. Because this force is dragging me towards them.
I went to bed last night with the pain hitting my fingers. Woke up in the middle of the night, scratched myself to bleed. Woke up with the pain.
Woke up in pain.

Bingo! You've reached a new level.
Try again.


  1. Every morning I check igoogle to see if a new post has come up and every time it has I'm so happy! Though I have to admit, this one's weird!

  2. you will be surrounded by lovely men all day every day from now on remember..

  3. This sounds like the morning horoscope I can't trust...
