The night fell on Edinburgh last night and somewhere a kind old man went away, leaving many kind people behind him.
And this is how I remembered what a good and wise friend of mine told me: bad things still happen good people. Being good, kind, gentle -whatever you want to call it- it is just not enough. Nothing is enough. You just don't get to decide. Some things are just out of hands. They happen whether you're good or not.
On the other hand, you can also choose to be kind AND smart. Being both will possibly minimise the damages. Being kind won't get you very far, but being smart will help you take a step back, and think of how you can cause yourself less trouble.
Anyway, all that to say that it doesn't matter how much good you do, or how much good you "think" you do. Being kind is good for you and for the lucky ones around you, but in life, it simply is not enough.
Bonjour bonjour les hirondelles!
Today, under the shower, I caught myself thinking of how nice it would be just for one minute, to be in a hot country. Cold showers, smooth skin, wavy hair, the sent of monoi, mhhmm... nice!
But I am in Edinburgh and it still suits me perfect. No tan, no warm evenings at a restaurant terrace, but still I have a feeling that this summer will be a good one.
With the world cup omnipresent, we are spending at least six days a week at the Cuckoo's nest. And when it's not to watch a game and have a nice meal, it's just to enjoy one last drink at the end of a long night out. No excuse is a bad one to go to the Nest.
This morning I watched Sex and the city, because nobody will come and see it with me anyway... I missed my turn while in France! After a pretty average movie, I decided to clean my room. A good 15 mn with the hoover in hand and half a ton of wrinkly clothes later, I was a happy bunny: my room is now fresh and clean. And it's in these kind of moments that I feel like re-decorating it a little by adding some cosiness to it. For my next change, I'm thinking bookshelf slash dressing table slash exhibition centre. Maybe if I show you what I mean, you'll understand...
So, what do you think?
I'm definitely plan to make a trip to IKEA next week and see what I can find.
I also desperately need to go to the Optician to get a new pair of glasses. Mines are getting a little bit too old, to pink and too unbearable!!!
So here's what I might go for in no particular order... :

Ok, time to get ready if I don't want to be late!!! xx
But I am in Edinburgh and it still suits me perfect. No tan, no warm evenings at a restaurant terrace, but still I have a feeling that this summer will be a good one.
With the world cup omnipresent, we are spending at least six days a week at the Cuckoo's nest. And when it's not to watch a game and have a nice meal, it's just to enjoy one last drink at the end of a long night out. No excuse is a bad one to go to the Nest.
This morning I watched Sex and the city, because nobody will come and see it with me anyway... I missed my turn while in France! After a pretty average movie, I decided to clean my room. A good 15 mn with the hoover in hand and half a ton of wrinkly clothes later, I was a happy bunny: my room is now fresh and clean. And it's in these kind of moments that I feel like re-decorating it a little by adding some cosiness to it. For my next change, I'm thinking bookshelf slash dressing table slash exhibition centre. Maybe if I show you what I mean, you'll understand...

I'm definitely plan to make a trip to IKEA next week and see what I can find.
I also desperately need to go to the Optician to get a new pair of glasses. Mines are getting a little bit too old, to pink and too unbearable!!!
So here's what I might go for in no particular order... :

Jeeez Lou!
Little reminder to myself: never log into my blog accound when drunk... or else I just write depressing shite just like you can see it in the previous article!!!
Little reminder to myself: never log into my blog accound when drunk... or else I just write depressing shite just like you can see it in the previous article!!!
Ok, let's be honest with ourselves. Don't you ever feel like life is unfair for good people?! I mean I have never felt like I was particularly bad, but crappy stuff still happens to me no matter what.
You are nice to people, you are just asking for life to be nice and average-y. You don's ask to catch the moon, you just want to be happy, but still , stuff gets in the way. It's so EASY for stuff to get in the way!!! Who THE FUCK decides who should be the one to pay for other people's mistakes?!!
Mhm... well life is unfair, I can't really get on with it but bitterness is taking its toll on me and at some point patience will run out and I'll be feeling miserable... :-/ Shit!
Back to you later on when I feel better. Coz right now it is late, I am not sober, people seem to be hanging out in my garden and ....Psshhh.. Crap, crappy crap!!!!
You are nice to people, you are just asking for life to be nice and average-y. You don's ask to catch the moon, you just want to be happy, but still , stuff gets in the way. It's so EASY for stuff to get in the way!!! Who THE FUCK decides who should be the one to pay for other people's mistakes?!!
Mhm... well life is unfair, I can't really get on with it but bitterness is taking its toll on me and at some point patience will run out and I'll be feeling miserable... :-/ Shit!
Back to you later on when I feel better. Coz right now it is late, I am not sober, people seem to be hanging out in my garden and ....Psshhh.. Crap, crappy crap!!!!
Hello sweet readers!
Well wasn't it a nice sweet and sunny day? All began so well when I woke up with Marte in my bed and the sun shining...
I put on my lucky charm, and guitar around the neck I made my way down to work. I got to deal with a few French clients which is always quite entertaining. Positive day overall.
We then walked through the meadows with Flavia and Marte, had some girly talk and gave each other "wise" advices that some of us probably won't follow. We also discussed our cultural differences and apparently, in Norway you don't mess with baked potatoes...
Tonight I am meeting Karo and we are going to have a drink around Tollcross... it's about time to have another long talking session! When I think about it, it hasn't really happened since I got back from France. It's waaay overdue. I'm thinking the DragonFly? mhhm....
Oh I'm still looking for two persons to move in my flat and it is definitely taking its toll on me! Why do parents never tell you about this? Parents tell you about bills, work, relationships, ironing (?), but finding flatmates: never! It should be part of all the main lines of a good education because this is honestly a hard one. Finding good flatmates is basically like finding a lover (Cf. one of my older articles). If you have no clue what I'm talking about then I'll cut the crap: it's hard enough to like someone as a person, you also need this person to consider you back.
Ok, I need to leave it here for tonight as plans have changed. I am now the one going up to Brunstfield. Yes, going to the Rooster's flat is probably better! COSY
Love x
Well wasn't it a nice sweet and sunny day? All began so well when I woke up with Marte in my bed and the sun shining...
I put on my lucky charm, and guitar around the neck I made my way down to work. I got to deal with a few French clients which is always quite entertaining. Positive day overall.
We then walked through the meadows with Flavia and Marte, had some girly talk and gave each other "wise" advices that some of us probably won't follow. We also discussed our cultural differences and apparently, in Norway you don't mess with baked potatoes...
Tonight I am meeting Karo and we are going to have a drink around Tollcross... it's about time to have another long talking session! When I think about it, it hasn't really happened since I got back from France. It's waaay overdue. I'm thinking the DragonFly? mhhm....
Oh I'm still looking for two persons to move in my flat and it is definitely taking its toll on me! Why do parents never tell you about this? Parents tell you about bills, work, relationships, ironing (?), but finding flatmates: never! It should be part of all the main lines of a good education because this is honestly a hard one. Finding good flatmates is basically like finding a lover (Cf. one of my older articles). If you have no clue what I'm talking about then I'll cut the crap: it's hard enough to like someone as a person, you also need this person to consider you back.
Ok, I need to leave it here for tonight as plans have changed. I am now the one going up to Brunstfield. Yes, going to the Rooster's flat is probably better! COSY
Love x
Back to how it was before
So I'm back.
Edinburgh is cold, people wear flip flops, the flat is a mess, not to mention dirty, I left an untidy room and I have almost no clean clothes. So before I can express my joy to be back, I first of all have to teach -or remind you depending on who you are- how important cleaning your room before you go on holiday is important. Of course it's a hell of a hassle when you have had a week filled with work and cannot wait for anything but leave for your native country, but still: the one thing to remember, or should I say to think about is the feeling you're gonna have when when you'll be back suitcase in hand, sweatdrops on your forehead, with an empty stomack back from the airport after a bus full of Polish peeps (you can't even hear English when you land in Scotland fgs!): first you'll be angry -at yourself. Then, you'll get frustrated -for a leave a nice, hot and tidy home country to find yourself in a giant bin: your room. And to add to this, it's your whole flat which is covered in dirty dishes, dust and untidied recently bought food.
This being said, I was indeed very excited to be back and I am looking forward to be back in the office tomorrow morning by 9.00 o'clock sharp, looking smart and smelling good -hopefully. This is also without mentionning the return of the famous wine o'clock and the now approaching World Cup. So mostly positive things...I think I'll clean a few things tomorrow, so at least when I come back on saturday -this time from a hopefully good party- I can just lie in bed get high from the heavy scent of clean bedsheets that I adore so much.
Night night.
Edinburgh is cold, people wear flip flops, the flat is a mess, not to mention dirty, I left an untidy room and I have almost no clean clothes. So before I can express my joy to be back, I first of all have to teach -or remind you depending on who you are- how important cleaning your room before you go on holiday is important. Of course it's a hell of a hassle when you have had a week filled with work and cannot wait for anything but leave for your native country, but still: the one thing to remember, or should I say to think about is the feeling you're gonna have when when you'll be back suitcase in hand, sweatdrops on your forehead, with an empty stomack back from the airport after a bus full of Polish peeps (you can't even hear English when you land in Scotland fgs!): first you'll be angry -at yourself. Then, you'll get frustrated -for a leave a nice, hot and tidy home country to find yourself in a giant bin: your room. And to add to this, it's your whole flat which is covered in dirty dishes, dust and untidied recently bought food.
This being said, I was indeed very excited to be back and I am looking forward to be back in the office tomorrow morning by 9.00 o'clock sharp, looking smart and smelling good -hopefully. This is also without mentionning the return of the famous wine o'clock and the now approaching World Cup. So mostly positive things...I think I'll clean a few things tomorrow, so at least when I come back on saturday -this time from a hopefully good party- I can just lie in bed get high from the heavy scent of clean bedsheets that I adore so much.
Night night.
God I love my mummy! I just had to write it loud!
I'm just back from 6 days in Tarbes- French Pyrenees. It's anything you can expect when going to the south of France: good weather (hot!), good food, good people, good tiiiimes!
I got the warmest welcome from my mum and grandma. I'm always treated like a little princess when I go there and it's just so sweet, I love 'em both to tiny pieces. We walked around town, did some shopping, knitted, watched Roland Garros -and my lovey Federer lose- we also had a car trip to Pau: Henri XIV's city, and just had some time to catch up and gather some strength before I was about to leave again.
Life is full of Goodbyes and this was a tough one. It's only as tough as how good was your stay. And my stay was a delight, so yes, I was sad, and yes I shamefully dried a few tears in the train, making sure nodody could see me, not even the Chinese man sleeping across the alley.
I am now back to Bordeaux, where I was before I left for Tarbes. I'm having seafood salad tonight... maybe this is becoming the new traditional welcome dinner at my sister's.
Tomorrow Mouma is picking me up and we will be watching the Roland Garros finale between Nadal and Soderling. I'm of course supporting the Svenska... just because you know... I like to think that i'm one of the cool kids. Nadal is so not charming, and I'm not only talking physically here...
On Monday I will be making my last trip to town for some last birthday gifts buyings: I'm still late for Maxime's and Mouma's offerings. A charm bracelet and a book- that's the plan. I will also be meeting Kelly to catch up over a cuppa coffee (FYI neither of us drink coffee, so I still don't know why I say that).
I need to wrap it up now, seafood salad does not wait! Oh! Perdon me, the chef says 5 more minutes! Just enough time to wish a Happy Birthday to you my sweet Rooster!!! How fantastic have been these last few months of cosiness?! I'll tell you: it's been sweeeet! So hurra for that and hurra for you getting older but not really! Keep hanging out with the youngsters, it keeps you flawless and filled with youth ;)
I'm just back from 6 days in Tarbes- French Pyrenees. It's anything you can expect when going to the south of France: good weather (hot!), good food, good people, good tiiiimes!
I got the warmest welcome from my mum and grandma. I'm always treated like a little princess when I go there and it's just so sweet, I love 'em both to tiny pieces. We walked around town, did some shopping, knitted, watched Roland Garros -and my lovey Federer lose- we also had a car trip to Pau: Henri XIV's city, and just had some time to catch up and gather some strength before I was about to leave again.
Life is full of Goodbyes and this was a tough one. It's only as tough as how good was your stay. And my stay was a delight, so yes, I was sad, and yes I shamefully dried a few tears in the train, making sure nodody could see me, not even the Chinese man sleeping across the alley.
I am now back to Bordeaux, where I was before I left for Tarbes. I'm having seafood salad tonight... maybe this is becoming the new traditional welcome dinner at my sister's.
Tomorrow Mouma is picking me up and we will be watching the Roland Garros finale between Nadal and Soderling. I'm of course supporting the Svenska... just because you know... I like to think that i'm one of the cool kids. Nadal is so not charming, and I'm not only talking physically here...
On Monday I will be making my last trip to town for some last birthday gifts buyings: I'm still late for Maxime's and Mouma's offerings. A charm bracelet and a book- that's the plan. I will also be meeting Kelly to catch up over a cuppa coffee (FYI neither of us drink coffee, so I still don't know why I say that).
I need to wrap it up now, seafood salad does not wait! Oh! Perdon me, the chef says 5 more minutes! Just enough time to wish a Happy Birthday to you my sweet Rooster!!! How fantastic have been these last few months of cosiness?! I'll tell you: it's been sweeeet! So hurra for that and hurra for you getting older but not really! Keep hanging out with the youngsters, it keeps you flawless and filled with youth ;)
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