
Chop chop chop!

I've just applied for a job this summer. It's pretty exciting as it is to work at the Theatre on George St. Box Office exactly. That'd just be supper cool but now I just have to keep my hopes high, be happy with what I have written in my application and wait!

Finding a job for this summer is becoming something more and more important right now.

I'm also doing my best to volunteer on some Events coming up. I'll spend a day in Perth in May volunteering for Breast Cancer :)

And if everything goes to plan, Siren and Christina will do it as well, we will borrow Christina's stepdad campervan and spend the whole weekend drinking in there like grandmas! Maybe we'll even play poker! ahah

Wish me luck! xx


Right now I'm a tad jealous of Tiina who went to see Paloma Faith last week in Glasgow.
I have a bit of a crush on her music right now. Plus she's quite cute, dresses original, and has a very nice voice, so why not? :)

Check it out (I'm loving the trumpets) :


Something to look forward to everyweek :)

Innocent Fun

I just love these week ends where don't have to work, not even slightly! It really enables me to make an ass of myself, do stupid things with people making an ass of themselves, get covered in chocolate, y'know these kinda things!

Friday night we therefore went to Marc's leaving due for some innocent fun.

Yesterday however, I almost died. YES yes I did! I woke up and I felt Death coming to get me. It was sending needles into my head, little balls of sickness into my stomach and really bad vibes to my brain. I contemplated suicide for a long while in my bed, several times in the streets while crossing the road, but then I got asked to go have lunch at The Storytelling Cafe. I made a choice. And since I'm still here to write, you'll easily guess what it was.

We had an amazing lunch with Marte and Karo. Smoked Salmon!!! Oh Bliss! If there's ONE thing I love more than anything when it comes to food it's smoked salmon! It's a gift of god and I want to have a salmon pet, feed it and EAT IT!
So the lunch cheered me up...for like 10 minutes. After my last bite, I went back to my awaken coma: put my Sunglasses back on and just sat there.

So my cure for a big ass hangover is:
  • Water
  • Sunglasses... actually this comes first
  • Ibuprofen -2 tablets
  • Orange juivce -loads
  • Friends -they do help a bit you know...
  • More orange juice
  • Smoked salmon -basically you just need lovely food, but salmon with give you strength AND cheer you up all at once.
  • A little bit more orange juice

This sunday morning my head hurts a little. I religiously avoided alcohol yesterday. The reason being that I only sobered up by 12... So deciding that the concept of "recovery hangover beer" was uter bullshit, I just sticked to Orange juice.
Today I am planning on staying home for most of it. Cleaning is the word. Fresh bedsheets will be the highlight of my day. But for that I need to wait til tonight. Before that I'll listen to some big fat chart tunes. Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Beyoncé, ahem... I really shouldn't write that... It's just so motivational! You need some motivational music to clean! Don't ya?

Maybe you'll get hooked too?


Oh non!

Like every year (month?) I get itchy feet.

I want to travel far far away. Get a tan, discover new cities, meet new people, get another part time job. All that kind of stuff.

Fortunately enough I'm going to Germany soon for an amazing Festival experience: Hurricane! Check out this amazing line up!!! That's a concentrate of fun!
I'll also stay in Edinburgh this summer and re-experience the buzz of the Festival! Whoop!

It's fifteen to nine, we are Thursday, it's therefore my absolute working night.
The Picture House. That's the place I dedicate all my Thursdays and other various nights of the week to. Clubs nights are busy, drunky, messy... sexy? Nah! Everything BUT sexy! Ugly bum cheeks are not sexy. Ugly bum cheeks out of your bedroom and in presence of someone else than your boyfriend are certainly not a good option. Keep 'em hidden girls!
Ok I've just tried and looked for pictures on Google to illustrate what I'm talking about here. Didn't find much with the entry "girls butt cheeks too short skirts". But as soon as I added "British" in front of it all... BAM! Here they were!
For the sake of my blog's prettiness, I just won't publish any of these. You're old enough to look for yourself...

On this joyous note, also very chic, I'll wish you a good night :) Don't be too crazy...



Blog business

I should really be writting my blog right now. Not this one, my spanish one.
No, I'm not bragging about having a spanish blog, or speaking spanish like a goddess. I'm just moaning about procrastinating. We have to write a blog about a spanish film... Still more entertaining than having to write an essay :) Especially having chosen Vicky Cristina Barcelona... Scarlett Johansson is everything but boring. Or unattractive!

In a few minutes I'll be on my way to the cinema to see I love you Phillip Morris. Should be pretty funny! If not I'll be gutted I've wasted one on the few moments of free time I have to see a shitty movie...
What wasn't a bad movie at all was award winner Crazy Heart! Jeff Bridges is so good in it. So is Jake G's sister :) The three of us (Karo, Marte, and Me) cried and thought it was such a good film! Go see it if you haven't already.

Ok, just came back from Phillip Morris... I know that was quick. It was good, a little bit funny, but not that funny. If you don't see it, then don't consider that you have missed something.

Alright sweet readers -whoever you are... probably not that many! Also, you might have even been to the cine with me tonight, in which case reading this article was absolutely useless... But are my articles usually useful anyway? ANYWAY... let's not take it too far.

I'm gonna go to bed, watch Gossip Girl that I have somehow forgotten to watch yesterday (Uh?), and hopefully have sweet dreams about my potential soulmate that I still haven't properly met.

Night Night xx



Beautiful music, beautiful voice, beautiful artist. Marcus is HOT!



Here is a website my dear Constanze passed me: http://www.cosmeticsdatabase.com/

How it works: you just enter or browse for your makeup/cosmetics and see how chemical and bad they are compared to others.
Ok, so it is all very dramatic and if you keep reading this stuff you will probably think that you'll be diagnosed with lung cancer within the next year!

But seriously. I do believe there's a bit of a problem right now. I'm just so angry at what every individual should do to look after his own health, other's health, our planet's, our animal's, and SO ON!

  • Deodorant stop you sweat flow, therefore hold in the toxines, therefore makes you have cancer. Congrats!

  • People are obese and there's too much CO2 emitted right now. So why do people keep taking their fucking car??? Wouldn't it be so much simpler to just take the bus or walk when possible? And no, living in the middle of nowhere is not a good excuse... Most people don't.

  • Candles in your room release petrol right under your nose. Talking about CO2 emissions...

  • Milk comes from cows with wounds on their tits (or whatever the right word for it is...) Still the government doesn't care and encourages us to drink more and more milk so they can make more money. Milk is not essential for anybody older than 12 years old!! But since people get told to drink milk, well... the demand for it increases and more milk needs to be produces. And cows tits get fucked up.

  • Tuna is going instinct. Yes it is! So you don't care and still eat it because it's cheaper than Salmon or just because it tastes good. Think people!

  • Water is precious. If you know me well enough. Or even just a little bit, you'll know how sensitive I am when it comes to water. Don't brush your teeth with the running water! Don't serve yourself a glass of water, and let the flow run until it's cold enough! Just drink the bloody tepid water!

  • It's the 10th of March and there's freaking SNOW in the north of Spain. Spain people! Wow. Magic, uh?

  • Why go to an impersonal big supermarkets if you can go to the veg shop. And no, it doesn't cost more. The only thing that costs more is willpower.

Oh I could just go on forever...! Just read this, think about it for 3 minutes and wonder what we are doing wrong. I'm gonna tell you. Most of it comes from people obsession for money. Just think about it, it actually make sense. We destroy everything around just so that we can make more profit. Animal consumption, petrol sources, water, making people believe they need to use some product they don't need to... And it goes on and on and on...

For a nice finishing touch, give me the pleasure of watching this video:



Hey Hey!

Today I got up pretty early as I always do these days! Even the rooster was impressed.
I put up my sunday hoodie, red converses, big headphones and proudly headed to Merchiston. If you ask me, there's nothing better than walking on a sunny sunday morning alone in the street. Small pleasures of life... ah!

At around 11am, Karolina convinced our dear Brian to take her to Dumbar where she's carrying out some studies for her Interior Architecture Master. Because I hardly ever say no to some kind of day trip slash comfy car slash cosy lunch slash countryside slash laughs along the way, well... I accepted to tag along!
Such a nice afternoon. Dumbar was very nice and I just love to look at buildings from a different eye when I'm with an expert. ;)
I also saw my mystical island on the way which I still don't know the name. I'll find it somwtimes soon and tell you all about it!

When I got back from our little adventure, I really wasn't in the mood for any sort of studying. Home was the spirit! So home I went.

The day ended with Marie and some vegie Tacos + Sherlock Holmes. Marie slept during most of the movie though! But the food was pretty enjoyable even though Mexican food is certainly not my area of expertise. Scandinavians for some reason, seem to know hell of a lot about it! In France, I have to say: we eat deliciously traditional food! Nothing wrong with that I believe.

Tomorrow a brand new week is starting! I still have this essay on the go, so I'm afraid I'll have to spend a few more hours in the library! Oh no, what a real shame it is! :)

Sweet dreams my friends!



Shit happens but there's hope!

Hello moussaillons!

Today didn't start that well. And with my anger came the feeling to write here. For me, for you, for whoever gives a flying fuck!

So, my dear contagious friend has taken over my immune system again. Not looking very bad yet but I've taken an appointement this morning so it should be fixed in a matter of... hours? :) Let's hope for the best!

Today plans are therefore delayed but certainly not cancelled! I am still heading to the library -as I always love to! Meeting my sweet Siren and whoever cares to join :)

Yesterday night was Adam's Birthday. We first went to his flat where... people were having a good time... with their good italian friend Amaretto. Adam had all his Mancunian friends over. They certainly did contribute to the friendly atmosphere. There were also the usual bunch of journos plus some that I had also never met. They must have been hiding in the Merchiston lab or something! Ah!

Ok, now this is not related to any of the above, but how good do clean bedsheets feel?! It's just heaven! Bed is already like entering a soft new world but clean bedsheets... ooohhh! Understated!!!!!

Wonder what just happened? Oh, sorry the flowers on my soft pillow were calling me!

tschüss! xxx


One rooster, two possums, many raccoons. Some pumpkins on the road.

To quote the rooster: "I'm back in business!"

I have to say it feels great!
I put my life on "hold" for the last ten days. Reason: the wee piggy's visit. That was lovely and the timing was perfect.

It is now time to be back to the library baby! How much do I love this place!!!??
So much drama happens in there everyday, it's not even funny anymore! It's delightful!!!

In the Craiglockhart library there is:

  • A scottish guy who doesn't know how lucky he was to have a foursome with three gorgeous girls... even if it was just in a dream.

  • A german guy who resisted to some heavy eyeing-flirting and then disapeared due to a probably very jealous girlfriend.

  • A french guy that has a very ugly furry jacket but that doesn't stop some from fancying him. Yeah, yeah she does fancy him even though he is French... don't ask.

  • A few gays that don't know what they would give up to turn straight! If only they knew!

  • A brave guy who declared himself but got nothing in return.

  • Some meaningless reports on the go.

"The library is our oyster, which we with sword will open.''

Shakespeare, The Merry Wives of Windsor.

Guilty Pleasures

I don't know what it is with me these days but I'm going through a love/hate relationship with meat flavoured food. Streaky bacon, flamed grilled steak... you name it! The only "quack" is that I'm a vegetarian... I'm still not eating a gram of meat though, since the flavourings are exclusively artificials... It's just a tiny weeny bit paradoxical...!

I can't think about any of my other guilty pleasures that I would like to share on this blog right now... Why would I want you to know more anyway?! Bugger off!