
Le tableau

Jesus! Mon petit jesus tout poilu poilu! Quelle pain in the arse ce tableau! J'aurais passé au total a peu pres 10h dessus, voir plus. Tout cela pour un resultat qui n'est plutot pas mal.. Je vous laisse en juger un peu plus bas.
Mis a part le fait que Sabrina ne viendra certainement jamais le recuperer avant de partir d'ici demain soir, je me sens tout a fait sereine. Contente des faits récents. Rien a redire. Je ne pourrais pas savoir quoi critiquer meme si j'essayai vraiment tres tres fort. C'est sweet, ca sent bon, et on dirait bien que c'est parti pour durer au moins ne serait-ce qu'un petit moment. Un tout petit tiny moment qui peut etre pourrait en devenir un long. Ce qui me va tout a fait.

"Good things come for those who wait" Euan said it, not me!

Ouuuh it's late!! Night night! xx


Give me some sleep!

I haven't had a proper night of full sleep since last week. Work, parties, work, work, work.... This being said I did get to see good bands: Phoenix and Modest Mouse. Bad artists too: Mika and Jason Derulo (by far the worst). I am looking forward to tomorrow night because guess what I'm doing?? Nothing!! Tonight I will finish the painting and maybe also meet with Sabrina for one last drink and then tomorrow I will have no painting due, no work, no plans, nothing! This is gonna be awesome!
I'm listening to Andy Williams. Don't care if it's classified as "classical music" at HMV. I like it. What do they know anyway? Peter Andre's album is in the Rock department... (and it's priced at £20!!)

Right now I have absolutely no clue as to when I'll go back to France for a visit. This is a bit scary. Don't know if I'll get to go home long enough at Christmas to go see everyone, and I know that if I only get like 4 or 5 days, it's gonna look like everything BUT holidays. Maybe October? Or later...


Allo Ja!

Hello, hello, hello.
I'm running out of words so here are a few photos just to summarize what's been happening lately in my Oh so wonderful life:

Marte moved in to her new one bedroom flat (uh, uh, uh). Sweeeet!

While she was unpacking, I was already making myself at home. Picturing some lazy sunday afternoons ahead of us. This couch is a gift from God!

I got ill as a dog. Fever and all the shit. Here you can see what a Raccoon's goose bumps look like.

Sinead took Karo and I to the ECA postgraduate textile design fashion show. The ECA must be doing something right I must say, because all were very talented. I let you judge the work...

Happy peeps! And below, some of my favourite pieces:


I got quite fascinated by this Russian guy's front house... You might be too.

We had a dinner + impromptue cake party at Marte's crib. Yeah! Check out all the toffee sauce. Oh, watch out, you just drooled on your keyboard!

Hungry person.

On sunday we went to the game: Hibbs Vs Rangers. Check this out!!! That was AWESOME! I'm going back, man!

My dear Kimbo and I.

This week I worked and worked and worked. My room had become a real mine field! Badgad, I'm telling you!

A proper tidying up session was in order. Heavy music and the whole lot. And Tah Dah!!!!

Tonight we are heading to town for this night at the GRV: Modern Lovers, but also and mainly in my heart for Sabrina's leaving drinks. A little goodbye before she leaves for good to go to England. I also need to finish this painting I promised her! I'll keep you updated on that and will probably post a wee picture of that very soon.

Have a good night wee rodents and other farm animals! xx


Eternel recommencement

You work, keep busy, do stuff. Good stuff.

You think, convince yourself, get on with an idea you created. A good idea.

You make friends, hang out, party together. Good times.

But at the end of the day you just realize it's still the same. And you just think "Shit, it's not gonna be that easy. Especially with me not helping myself!"


Good evening to you my sweet babycakes :)

I hope you're good tonight because as far as I'm concerned I'm quite well. Listening to some sweet music, singing along, organizing the exciting upcoming weeks with my best friend Agenda. This one never lets me down. Never changes its mind and always stick to the plan. Like that.

I'm feeling positive just because as time goes by I tend to develop the ability of accepting the way things are. Just because it's the only way to go forward. Instead of hoping for more than what you're given, just appreciate the moment right now. Easier said than done. Ah well...
The past moments should never affect too much your present mood. The past should stay behind and we should always look up to new perspectives. Realistic ones that is. I sound so wise on paper...!

I caught myself listening to some good old school music: Martha Reeves, Budy Holy, Four tops, The Temptations, Frankie Avalon. Good stuff. It definitely helps putting me in a good mood. And that's a winner because despite of my cheerful attitude I'm someone who always tend to look on the dark side when on my own. Always chewing up every situation, analysing, wondering, questionning, "what if"-ing, pondering, blues-ing, blablabla...
I wish they invented a robot that would never ask questions and was just there to answer yours. A being who would never get tired of all your questions, wouldn't mind answering the same 10 times in a row, same questions, same answers only said in a different way. A being who wouldn't judge, let you do mistakes but stops you before you're about to make a HUGE one. Someone who also wouldn't get tired of you speaking about the same odd thing (person) all over and over and over again. Talking about every aspects of this person, every single moments. The most open and honest conversation.


Company :)

Ahhhh Kim is coming to see me tonight and this is a serious cheer up! This room is getting too depressing for me. I just had a shower -as I do on sunday nights, it seems to help me start the week on the right track. If I find the strength I might even "cook" something... I said I might, ok?

You too might be cheered up by the following:

No fun

I'm bored, I'm so fucking bored!!!! The past three days have been the most pointless-boring-sick days of 2010 so far. I've been missing out on good weather, parties, tacos, possibly cinema, farewell drinks: la totale quoi! So instead I've just been sitting at home, being a complete nervous wreck, not being able to do anything but still not wanting not to be doing anything. I've been turning around (no further than in my bed that is) like a lion in a cage. And to top it all up, my laptop is a piece of shit. Not surprise here, it's old news.
Hopefully I'll have recovered by next week end and I can seriously make up for it! Oh. yes. Uh uh.

I got nothing to do. Nothing that I can do except lying down. I've seen all the movies in the world (not true). My hands hurt too. I'm fucking bored. I'm fucking bored. Bummer.

No fun my babe no fun
No fun my babe no fun
No fun to hang around
Feeling that same old way
No fun to hang around
Freaked out for another day
No fun my babe no fun
No fun my babe no fun
No fun to be around
Walking by myself
No fun to be alone
In love with nobody else
Well maybe go out maybe stay home
maybe call Mom on the telephone
Well come on, well come on,
well come on........


This is goodbye

Today was a weird, slow and sad day. Although, surprisingly enough, it wasn't THAT bad.
Firstly, the morning went so slowly. 10:30am, you'd think it was already lunch time, but no such chance... You probably know what I mean.

Then, I just had to get used to the idea that my dear Sabrina was leaving us. Mostly leaving me, actually. Last moments, last laughs, last talk talk, last advices, last Swiss/French translations. Oh, I'm going to miss you dearly! This is only until the next time though. The real "aurevoir". When she'll be back from her Swiss holidays, we'll meet one last time in Edinburgh, get drunk, have fun, laugh, talk, give each other advices, dance, sing and part. Then I will always be able to go see her down South in Portsmouth, but it won't be that easy...

Second break up: Marte. We are taking a break. Not living together anymore. Leaving each other just to find ourselves back again when the time has come. She's moving in to her very grown up one bedroom flat in Polwarth where I seriously plan on leaving my toothbrush if you get what I mean ;) She won't object I'm sure.
Back in Tollcross I will now be living with Chris and Mickey. Random mix I hear you say. I know :)


Fuis moi, je te suis. Suis moi, je te fuis... A non, c'est seulement moi qui suis l'autre...

This is not all so sweet. When you want to get over something that is over but you just can't, it takes a while to figure things out. It shouldn't be that fucking hard.
Keep being nice to the persons I should go away from. Smile, laugh, and be nice when I don't even have to and I shouldn't, really. It's not even that I'm trying, I just can't help it. Because this force is dragging me towards them.
I went to bed last night with the pain hitting my fingers. Woke up in the middle of the night, scratched myself to bleed. Woke up with the pain.
Woke up in pain.

Bingo! You've reached a new level.
Try again.


Une histoire de plage

Connards a gogo.


Guys are gay. You are gay. This room is gay. This table is gay. What you're saying is gay. This bedsheet is gay. My grandma is gay. This situation is gay. Feelings are gay. The whole wide world is turning gay!!!!!


Amour maternel

Today I got the nicest surprise in the post. My mum posted me a parcel. I quickly got very excited about what was inside but the outside was already enough to make me happy. It was wrapped into a baby pink paper with handwriten sweet words on it. And I found inside:
  • A silver keyring with stone beads
  • A colourfulmetal bracelet made out of crushed cans or something... crafty mummy!
  • A necklace made out of big wooden beads. Not sure I'll ever wear it unless African fashion comes back!
  • A BIG ring with a turquoise stone
  • Pyrennees soap for my fragile skin
  • Some very unexpected money
  • A collage with a big red heart on it
  • And finally the sweetest and most loving letter of them all.
Big surge of love and tenderness for my mum right now. The one and only. I miss her.

(just you watch after the first 50 seconds..)

Tu perdras ta saveur comme mon Bubblegum

Aimer toujours le meme homme
C'est des histoires a la gomme
L'amour mon vieux c'est tout comme
Du bubble bubble gum

Tu bailles et tu t'étires comme
Tu éclates de rire comme
Tu es rose pale comme
Mon bubble bubble gum

Entre mes bras tu étais comme
Tu étais tendre et sucré comme
Tu as perdu ta saveur comme
Mon bubble bubble gum

Si je pouvais t'balancer comme
Mais tu me colles aux semelles comme
Allez va reviens welcome
Mon bubble bubble gum


Yesterday was good. Very good indeed.
At around one Marte and I made our way to the Farmers' Market, had a stroll through all the annoying Italian tourists and then, when the time had come, we headed to Jimmy Chung's were we met Mario for lunch. I must say I wasn't so impressed by the food & the place in general, but then again, I didn't really care at the time. We then walked along Tollcross and stopped by Ali's Cave where Mario had a 5 minutes long love-story with some HUGE granny knickers. We tried on some shoes on sale. Going deeper into Tollcross, the Cameo's poster sale caught my eye, so went in and had some fun looking through everything.
We did not stop by the Cuckoo's, even though it was right there. We just took a right instead and continued our journey down to Polwarth to pick up some concert tickets and check out the Santangeli boys.
By then we had already spent a surprisingly unexpected amount of time together. Why stop?
Foutainpark was our next stop on this amazing journey. We bought ticket for Toy Story 3, put on our cool glasses, watched, laughed, didn't cry, got out of the screen, pause pipi, sat down, spotted Gainsbourg profile people, screen 13!, sneaked in, admired the beautiful seats, got comfortable and watched without a hint of guilt the awesome new movie that is Gainsgourg. Amazing!
Maybe we got enough of each other, maybe the right moment came, but we parted ways feeling good about this nonesense day.